New Politics Vol. XII No. 2, Whole Number 46

From the Editors, Marvin Mandell and Betty Mandell


* Reply to Immanuel Wallerstein, Ralph Seliger

Symposium on Gays and the Left (Part II)

* Introduction, Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison
* Reinventing a Queer Left, Peter Drucker
* Eight Kinds of Strength: A Tribute to Valerie Taylor, Lesbian Writer and Revolutionary, Marcia Gallo
* Socialism and Homosexuality, Thomas Harrison
* Socialism and Gay Liberation: Back to the Future, Doug Ireland
* LGBT Political Cul-de-sac: Make a U-turn, Sherry Wolf

Where Will Obama Go?, Jack Gerson
Joe the Plumber, Christopher Phelps
At the SEIU Convention and Beyond, Herman Benson
A Brief History of Time (poem), Greta Aart
The Taste of Oranges, Desnee Flakes
Albert Shanker’s Legacy

* Comment, Michael Hirsch
* Reply, Norman Scott and Vera Pavone

Indigenous Women, “No to 2010” and the Emergence of a New Movement, Jeffrey Shantz

Olympic Dream (poem), Bill Littlefield

Dirty Business, Dirty Wars: U.S.-Latin American Relations in the 21st Century, Cyril Mychalejko

Obituary for B. J. Widick

Did 1968 Change History?, Nelson Lichtenstein

Utopia: A Bet You Can’t Refuse, Richard Greeman

Actuarial (poem), Peter Lamborn Wilson

In Defense of Washington and Wall Street, Robert Fitch (footnoted version)


* Hoax and Reality, Jerold Touger (rev. of Alan Sokal, Beyond the Hoax)

* The New Class Struggle, Milan Rai (rev. of Chris Spannos, Real Utopia)

* Bolshevism and Revolutionary Democracy, Paul Le Blanc (rev. of Simon Pirani, The Russian Revolution In Retreat, 1920-24 and Soma Marik, Reinterrogating the Classical Marxist Discourses of Revolutionary Democracy)

* Belief, Work, and Tears, Robert Joe Stout (rev. of J. Nevins, Dying To Live, G. Ramirez, The Fire and Word, and Marcos, Speed and Dreams)

* Architect of Illusion, Louis F. Cooper (rev. of David Milne, America’s Rasputin: Walt Rostow and the Vietnam War)

* Guaranteed: The Hardest and Most Dangerous Job and the Lowest Pay, Michael Wrezsin (rev. of Robert Zeiger, For Jobs and Freedom)

* Dubious Advice for Young Radicals, Sam Waite (rev. of Camille De Toledo, Coming of Age at the End of History)

* Not Working Very Well, Chris Tilly (rev. of Richard B. Freeman, America Works)

* The Anti-Comics Crusade, Kent Worcester (rev. of David Hadju, The 10-Cent Plague)

Words and Pictures: Isadora Duncan, Sabrin Jones (with introduction by Kent Worcester)