New Politics Vol. XI No. 3, Whole Number 43

From the Editors, Marvin Mandell and Betty Reid Mandell

Iraq: Democrats to the Fore, Barry Finger


* Hidden Slaves, Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley

* Swedish Labor and Immigration: A Dilemma, Rikard Warlenius

* The Immigration Rights Movement: Between Political Realism and Social Idealism, Dan La Botz (with notes)

Homeless Shelters: A Feeble Response to Homelessness, Betty Reid Mandell (with notes)

Finland is Soft on Crime, Dan Gardner

Revolutionary Unionism: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Dan Jakopovich (with notes)

Alice in Imperialand, Richard Greeman

Laws and Injustice: Fighting for Human Rights in Mexico, Chris Tilly and Marie Kennedy

Raul’s Cuba, Sam Farber [EspaƱol]

Return of Limits, Ashley Dawson

Who’s Afraid of the ICC, Laurie Calhoun

The Socialist Challenge for British Labour Party Leadership: Interview with John McDonnell, M.P., Chris Ford and David Broder

The Religious Right and the Perversion of Biblical Ethics: Unclear on the Concept, Russell Pregeant

In Memoriam: Ellen Willis, Lynn Chancer

Leaving Asia Minor: A Poem, Andrew Krivak

New Politics: A Poem, Everett Frost


* Armageddon Blues, Jackie Dee King

* Marx’s Mixed Legacy, Sherry Gorelick
(see Debate: Anti-Semitism and Socialism)

* It’s Not East Being Green, Kurt Jacobsen

* A Sober View on Capitalism, James Gilbert

* Killers for Hire, Michael Busch

Words and Pictures

* Interview with Harvey Pekar, Kent Worcester