New Politics Vol. XI, no. 2, Whole Number 42

From the Editors, Marvin Mandell and Betty Reid Mandell

Middle East Developments, Stephen R. Shalom

Is the Bush Administration Fascist?, Matthew W. Lyons


  • Iranian Workers Fight Back!, Andreas Malm and Shora Esmalian

  • CBC Unleashed, Karen Wirsig

  • The World Social Forum and the Emergence of Global Grassroots Politics, John L. Hammond (expanded and documented)

  • SEIU Confronts the Home Care Crisis in California, Brandynn Holgate and Jennifer Shea (with notes)

  • Oaxaca Uprising, John Gibler

Adoption, Betty Reid Mandell (with notes)

Hyde Amendment: The Opening Wedge to Abolish Abortion, Marlene Fried (with notes)

Political Economy of Psychotherapy, David Singer (with notes)


  • The Democratic Party and the Future of American Politics, David Friedman

  • An Interview with Jonathan Tasini, by Michael Hirsch and Joanne Landy

  • More War, No Debate: Progressives Give Clinton a Free Pass, Howie Hawkins

  • Socialists, Democrats, and Political Action: It’s the Movements That Matter Most, Michael Hirsch

On the Run from Nazis and Gendarmes (Part II): Betrayal and Survival, Mathis Szykowski

On Speaking the German Language, Eva Kollisch

Naguib Mahfouz’s Window on the World of Islam, Bill Mosley

Capitalism in Iran, Faramarz Dadvar

The Sociology and Politics of Orientalism: , Emad El-Din Aysha

Marx and Weber: Critics of Capitalism, Michael Löwy (with notes)

The Militarization of Police, Richard Hiatt

Statement on Iran, Campaign for Peace and Democracy

The Return of Limits, Ashley Dawson (web only)

Search of Economic Justice: A Reply, Robin Hahnel

Reply to Hahnel (on Economic Justice), Stephen R. Shalom


  • Onfray on Meslier on Atheism: Two Logical Mistakes, Paul K. Moser

  • Response to Immanuel Wallerstein’s Review of Gil Jonas’ Freedom’s Sword, Reginald Wilson

  • Rural Perspectives on Gay Marriage, Betty Reid Mandell

Reading the Summer 2005 Anthropologie Catalogue: A Poem Mary Pinard


  • War and a Piece of the Action, Kurt Jacobsen

  • Gulag: An American Tragedy, Si Kahn

  • Germany: the Revolution that Failed, Martin Comack

  • Hollywood Red Star — a Dwarf Star?, Michael Wreszin

Words and Pictures

  • Katrina Illustrated, Seth Tobocman