New Politics, Vol. X, No. 4, Whole Number 40

Getting Out of Iraq, Gilbert Achcar and Stephen R. Shalom

NP Symposium on Prisons

  • Introduction, Mark Dow

  • A Window for Reform, Judith Greene

  • America’s “Relentless Judicial Machine,” Andrew Hammel

  • Escaping into Prison with Fox, Lorna A. Rhodes

  • A Haven for Refugees in Pennsylvania, James Harbison

  • Monitoring Women and Children in U.S. Prisons, Bonnie Kerness

  • Urgency of the Incarcerated, Buzz Alexander and Suzanne Gothard

  • Voices from Prison, Abira Ashfaq

Special Section on Religion and Politics

  • There is Good News and Bad News, Harvey Cox

  • Introductory Note to Onfray, Doug Ireland

  • Jean Meslier and “The Gentle Inclination of Nature,” Michel Onfray

  • After Wojtyla, Christopher Rhoades Dykema

  • Class Struggle: A Poem, Robert Kelly

Roundtable on Immigration and African Americans

Stephen Steinberg’s “Immigration, African Americans and Race Discourse” in our last issue of New Politics (#39) elicited several responses. Here they are with Steinberg’s rejoinder. Steinberg’s article, together with a different set of responses and a reply from Steinberg, also appears in the Winter issue of New Labor Forum. We urge readers to follow this debate in both venues. – EDS.

  • The Intra-Immigrant Dilemma, Alan Aja

  • Mobilizing Immigrants and Blacks, Peter Drucker

  • Alliances Needed, Ron Hayduk

  • Finger Pointing Toward “Freedom Now!” Michael Hirsch

  • Another American Dilemma, Gilbert Jonas

  • Reintroducing the Black/White Divide in Racial Discourse, Gregory D. Squires

  • Response, Stephen Steinberg

Comparative Politics

  • The (People’s) Summit of the Americas, Lois Weiner

  • Human Rights and the Colombian Government, James J. Brittain

  • Zimbabwe: Violent Oppression Continues, Michael Watermeyer

  • Tony Blair’s Education Policy, Mary Compton

  • The “Decade of Roma Inclusion,” Bill Templer

James Weinstein: An Obituary, Stanley Aronowitz


  • Stephen R. Shalom, Economic Justice and Democracy by Robin Hahnel

  • Milton Fisk, The Philosopher and His Poor, by Jacques Rancière

  • Michael Wreszin, The Misuse of History After the Fall of Communism, edited by Ellen Schrecker

  • Sean Cain, Argentina: Hope in Hard Times, film by Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin

  • Kurt Jacobsen, Downfall, film by Oliver Hirschbiegel

  • Words and Pictures: Gary Martin on Steve Brodner