New Politics, Vol. X, No. 3, Whole Number 39

The Ambiguous Calm: What is Sharon up to, and can he really get away with it?, Adam Keller

New Politics Symposium on Iraq and the Antiwar Movement

  • The Resistance and the Antiwar Movement, Anthony Arnove

  • Iraq and the Third Camp, Barry Finger

  • Struggling for Progress, In Iraq!, Wadood Hamad

  • Iraq and the Idea of Freedom, Peter Hudis

  • Letter to the Editor, Tom Unterrainer

  • Immediate U.S. Withdrawal and the Hope for Democracy in Iraq, Joanne Landy

  • No Blank Checks, Staughton Lynd

  • Empire and Resistance, Glenn Perusek

  • The Antiwar Movement and Iraq, Stephen R. Shalom

Immigration, African Americans, and Race Discourse, Stephen Steinberg

Is the Death Penalty Constitutional? Two Anti-Death Penalty Views

  • Constitutional but Wrong?, Mark Dow

  • Cruel, Unusual, and Unconstitutional, David R. Dow

Third Parties: An Exchange

  • The Antiwar Movement and Third Party Politics, Duane Campbell

  • Playing to Win in the Post-ABB Era, John Halle

  • The Green Party and the Collapse of the Left, Scott McLarty

  • Almost Reason Enough, Morris Slavin

  • Response, Thomas Harrison

History * Theory * Culture

  • Introduction to Mario Savio Speech, Robert Cohen

  • The Berkeley Knowledge Factory, Mario Savio

  • Art for the People? Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s “The Gates”, Jesse Lemisch

  • E.P. Thompson: History and Commitment, David Renton

  • Herman Wouk: The First Neoconservative, Joel Brodkin

  • Three Elegies for Susan Sontag, Ellen Willis

Special Section on Women and Work
       Edited by Gertrude Ezorsky

  • The Labor Origins of the Next Women’s Movement, Dorothy Sue Cobble

  • Migration, Domestic Work, and Repression, Julia Wrigley

  • Relevant, Irrelevant, or Both?, Lynn Chancer

  • Women, Family, Welfare and Work, Betty Reid Mandell


  • Kathleen Odell Korgen, Breaking the Code of Good Intentions by Melanie Bush

  • Kristin Lawler, Hard Work by Rick Fantasia and Kim Voss

  • Laurie Calhoun, Masters of War by Carl Boggs

  • John Eric Marot, Revolution and Counterrevolution by Kevin Murphy

  • Horst Brand, The Anatomy of Fascism by Robert Paxton

  • Paul Burkett, Steal this University by Johnson, Kavanagh, and Mattson

  • Roger Sabin on Attitude 1 & 2 by Ted Rall

  • Words and Pictures: Gary Martin on El Fisgón