Fossil Fuels and Toxic Landscapes – Issue Launch and Panel
Monday, February 26 at 7:00pm
Verso Books
20 Jay St., Brooklyn, NY
A year after President Trump's inauguration, our worst climate policy nightmares have become a reality. Fossil fuel interests have hijacked every part of the new administration—the State Department, Department of Interior, Environmental Protection agency, Department of Energy and National Economic Council, and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile, the intensity of global-warming fueled devastation increases daily as over a century of fossil-fueled war and violence against labor and nature rages on. Latin America is familiar with this kind of violence.
Join us for a discussion that brings together contributors from NACLA's latest issue, Fossil Fuels and Toxic Landscapes, with internationally recognized activists and organizers for a discussion on the fight for environmental justice, sustainable energy, and a livable future across border—from New York to Houston to Oaxaca.
- Elizabeth Yeampierre, UPROSE
- Bryan Parras, Beyond Dirty Fuels, Sierra Club
- Todd Miller, Independent Journalist
- Alexander Dunlap, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Moderated by Nicole Fabricant (Towson University) and Bret Gustafson (Washington University)
Sponsored by the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), New Politics, and the Democratic Socialists of America Climate Justice Working Group.