Category: Social protests

Puerto Rico Faces Crises: COVID, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Drought

The United States has suffered 135,000 deaths from COVID-19 and has tens of millions of unemployed and both crises continue now into the fifth month, but nowhere has the economic crisis been greater than in the U.S. colony of Puerto Rico.

Organizing After Bernie — Activists Respond

THE HISTORIC SANDERS CAMPAIGN has come to a close, and the strength of social movements will be critical after November, whether to build the left in the face of a Democratic president carrying out the party’s neoliberal policies or to . . .

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The Movement for Black Lives Is Different This Time

An assessment of the ongoing protests and developing movement following the murder of George Floyd.

Pacifism by Every Other Name: The Political Ethic of the Anti-Racist Movement Against Systemic Violence

A genuine pacifist movement is a movement against systems of violence, and in that sense the on-going wave of anti-racist movements are decidedly pacifist—even including instances where protesters engage in looting, burning, and tactical violence.

The Whitney Took Down My Mural

They never asked us to paint on the plywood barrier built to protect the building during the recent protests. But for a few nights we painted. Mine was a mural about police brutality toward protestors. Now the Whitney has taken them all down.

On the Attack on Robert Cuffy at the Mass March to Defund the NYPD

While leading Monday June 29th’s Mass March to Defund the NYPD & Abolish the Police, Robert Cuffy was filming the march when he was blindsided and tackled by an unidentified man who then slammed Robert into another car, dislocating his shoulder. Police released the attacker without charges.

Mexican President AMLO to Visit Trump, both Hope for a Boost Amid Crises

Failing at home, Mexico’s president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will visit U.S. President Donald Trump this week to celebrate the new North American trade pact. Each hopes to get a political boost from the visit. That seems unlikely, especially for AMLO.

The Movement for Black Lives Is Different This Time

Late May and early June saw the biggest wave of mass rebellion in the United States since the 1960s. Protests erupted in every major city and in all fifty states, demanding an end to racist police brutality. The character of these uprisings has been less like protests and more like rebellions.

Defend the Hong Kong Democracy Movement!

In an act of retribution to the Hong Kong movement beginning last year, which has seen prolonged street clashes between the police and protestors, China has decided to unilaterally impose new national security laws to Hong Kong.

Protests Against Racism; LBGTQ Pride; Continuing Crisis; Trump’s Decline

Throughout June hundreds of thousands of Americans in hundreds of cities and towns protested the killing of George Floyd who had been murdered by police in Minneapolis. But there were also LGBTQ Pride Marches in support of the protests against racism.

Socialists and the Uprising Against Racism – Sunday, July 5, 4-6 PM (EDT)

The mass protests in response to the police murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis constitute the biggest popular uprising in the US since the 1960s. Join us for a discussion of the opportunities and challenges that exist for making socialist politics relevant to the new rebellion against racism.

Building the Party Through Struggle: A Response to French and Gong

A new working-class party will be built primarily through mass struggles like the current uprising and the strikes and workplace demonstrations that took place amidst the pandemic, and through running candidates locally on independent ballot lines.

What Would Abolition Look Like?

Policing and the wider criminal justice system have a long history as an integral part of capitalism and colonialism. That history informs their continued function of ‘managing’ marginalized communities who might resist the expansion of capital.

A Global Black Call to Action

We are the children of uprisings, a generation standing on the shoulders of those that came before us, and a people united to usher in a new world. We call on our siblings across the world to join us on June 19th.

From Passionate Uprising to Sustained Rebellion

The passionate uprising that began in Minneapolis after police murdered George Floyd quickly spread across the country and around the world, is now the biggest upheaval since 1968.

Ten Days that May Have Changed the World: An Internationalist Perspective

Sparked by the police murder of George Floyd and fueled by Minneapolis authorities’ reluctance to arrest and charge the murderer’s three police accomplices, mass protests have been sweeping across the United States with an intensity not seen since the 1960s.

America’s Unfinished Revolution

How quickly the government wants us to get back to the status quo where the ruling elite has been looting from the working poor every single day of our lives.

Stop Police Violence against Anti-Racist Protesters!

This violence is an extension of the police violence that took the life of George Floyd and, more generally, the state violence visited on Black and other people of color on this continent over the last five hundred years.

History Marched Past my Door Last Night Carrying the Future on Her Shoulders

A march came by my house in Brooklyn a few nights ago, a river of thousands of young people of all races, wearing masks because of the pandemic, walking together, shouting out the name of George Floyd, demanding justice. I saw history making its way through the city.

The U.S. protests: Lessons from Syria

In the spirit of solidarity with those on the streets, Leila Al Shami offers lessons from the Syrian revolution that might be applicable to the uprising against police violence in the United States.

The Uprising in Minneapolis

Since the the murder of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, MN, on May 25th, the city of Minneapolis has become the center of a national uprising against the murder of black and brown people by police.
