Call to Demonstrate against the War in Ukraine

Call to demonstrate against the war in Ukraine in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, Russians and Belarusians committed against the war and in solidarity with all those exiled

The signatory associations call for a demonstration on Thursday, March 17, in all cities of France, to express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine victims of the crime of aggression committed by the Russian government against their country.

The organizing associations invite all European politicians to mobilize all their energy to:

  • to obtain a ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine,
  • to achieve an immediate end to targeted and indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine,
  • to provide the victims of war with all possible humanitarian assistance, and ensure safe passage for civilians caught up in the conflict,
  • to welcome in the different countries all people fleeing Ukraine in search of refuge,
  • to ensure that no one, regardless of nationality, is blocked at the Ukrainian or European borders (external or internal to the EU), and that all can find protection in dignified conditions and respect for their rights, in the European Union,
  • to mobilize resources to ensure that Ukrainian activists for democracy and human rights are protected, welcomed, and supported,
  • to ensure by all possible means support and protection for Russian and Belarusian civil society actors who are opposed to the war,
  • to preserve the information channels that allow the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian populations to receive reliable information.
  • to fight against impunity for those responsible for crimes of aggression and war crimes.

At a time when a war with serious consequences is raging in Europe, it is imperative that international solidarity live in defense of the freedoms of all.

On Thursday, March 17, many of us will demonstrate to express our solidarity and support for Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian citizens and organizations committed to human rights and against war and to all the victims of this conflict.

Paris, 11 March 2022

Call launched at the initiative of the following associations: ACAT-France, Agir ensemble pour les droits humains, Alliance Internationale pour la défense des droits et des libertés, Alliance sciences société, Amnesty International France, Anafé, Article Premier, European Assembly of Citizens, Abraham Mazel Association, Association des Travailleurs Maghrébins de France, Attac France, Atelier des Artistes en Exil, Paris Bar,  La Chaîne de l’Espoir, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, CEDETIM, Centre Primo Levi, Cimade, Collectif Ivryen de Vigilance Contre le Racisme, Longo Maï European Cooperatives, Coordination SUD, CRID, Électriciens sans frontières, Elena, Emmaus Europe, Emmaus France, Emmaus International, European Prison Litigation Network, Euro Créative, FIDH, Copernic Foundation, Danielle Mitterrand Foundation, European Civic Forum France, Gisti, Groupe accueil et solidarité,  Humatem, IPAM, La Maison Ouverte, Les Nouveaux Dissidents, Première Urgence Internationale, Russie-Libertés, Solidarités International, SOS Africaines en danger, Terre des Hommes France, Utopia 56, YMCA France

With the support of:

Trade unions: Fédération Syndicale Unitaire (FSU), SUD-PTT, Syndicat des Avocats de France, Union syndicale Solidaires