#Brexit, Support for Mexico's Teachers, and Solidarity From Below

To show support for Mexico's teachers, demonstrations are being held internationally, as they are in the U.S.  In today's blog about the situation in Mexico, Mary Compton provides background to the current repression and information about how readers can support the teachers. Elsewhere the website contains a detailed critique of the World Bank's plan to make all of Latin America and the Caribbean adopt the same privatized, standardized model of education. (The critique has been translated into Portuguese and Spanish.) It is this project Mexico's teachers are battling.

Their resistance is part of a global struggle by teachers to protect public education as a public good. The resistance is well  documented on Mary's site and explained by scholars' work in the "Research" archive. The most recent posting is an article by Canadian researchers that explains the challenges faced by Quebec's public school teachers.

Support for Mexico's teachers, international solidarity with a courageous struggle that will help teachers everywhere in the world by weakening this global project foisted on us by capitalist elites, is an answer to #Brexit. We need solidarity from below, and fast.

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